Friends of the Iowa Library
For the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Friends’ 2023 Annual Report
The year 2023 was another very good year for the Friends and patrons of the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. We were able to make a $12,000 donation to the Library in 2023. We made our contribution as an undesignated donation in order for the department to get a Federal Match to help the Library even more than our donation could directly. The 3D printer we had bought for the library was no longer repairable, so we donated an additional $9,000 which allowed them to purchase two new 3D printers and some equipment for the recording studio.
On a sad note, we lost one of our founders this year. Louise Duvall, our first president, passed away.
The Friends promotes the Library and its many valuable services throughout the year. We attend functions such as the Braille Challenge. We give presentations at meetings and conventions, such as I-CUB and NFB. We distribute fliers, magnets, card magnifiers, bookmarks, and signature guides with our logo and contact information on them.
We shepherd the donations we get with great care. Of the money we receive, 96.4 percent goes to the Library while only 3.6 percent goes to administrative and fundraising costs.
Because we have implemented thriftier ways to distribute our quarterly newsletter, the percentage of funds needed for administrative expenses shrank from 17 percent in 2016.
We appreciate and thank all of our Friends for their constant support, advocacy, and commitment.
You can help! Here are some of the things you can do:
· Become a Friends member for just $20.
· Buy a $10 Smokey Row gift card and we receive $3.
· Make donations at the Stuff, Etc., Stores around the state in our name and we get 50 percent of the sale price.
· Enjoy barbershop Christmas music at the Iowa Department for the Blind each year for a $10 admission.
· Buy a brick from the Chimney of the Iowa Department for the Blind.
· Ask us to speak at your club or organization.
· Consider the Friends for donations and memorials.
· Respond generously to our annual fund-raising drive letter.
· Volunteer some of your time to help with Friends activities.
To learn more about the Friends and what we do, visit our website at and read our quarterly newsletters. Through your generous help and support, we can continue to enhance the services the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped offers to its patrons. Thank you!
David Hammel, Treasurer