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The Friends have contracted with the Stuff Etc stores in Iowa to offer an opportunity for our members and others to make a donation through recycling your gently used and unwanted clothing, furniture, kitchen and household items. By visiting your Stuff Etc store, you may also find stuff you need. It’s so easy to do.

To make a donation, just follow these simple steps:

 Step One:  Select clean unbroken or unstained items.  Items should be in a condition that they can be easily re-sold.  Clothing that shows wear (except for jeans) or is “dated” by a particular fashion style will not be accepted.  If you are in doubt, the Stuff Store representative will tell you what will or will not sell.

 Step Two:  Call your local Stuff Store to make an appointment to bring your items in.  You can take up to two (2) bins (regular size totes) in once a week.  It’s important that when you call, you identify that you want your donation to go to The Friends of the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

 Step Three:  Keep your appointment.  Most stores request that you stay while they assess your items.  If a certain item is not accepted, you can donate it elsewhere or some Stuff stores will dispose of it for you. 

 Each Stuff Store will e-mail The Friends when a donation is received with the amount it will be priced at.  When items sell, we are notified of our account balance. 

 Working with your Stuff Etc store gives you a local channel to donate items from clothing to furniture, from garden equipment to household items, from picture frames to lawn chairs. Your donation of stuff you no longer want or need will be turned into dollars to support the Library for the Blind.  It’s a win-win situation for all involved!

 See the listing of the Stuff Etc stores in Iowa for a store near you.

Ankeny Stuff                    Coralville Stuff                     Iowa City Stuff
906 E 1st Street                2818 Commerce Cr.            1027 HWY 6E
515-964-4444                    319-545-8408                        319-338-9909


Cedar Rapids Stuff          Davenport Stuff                   Waterloo Stuff
252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE   3568 Brady Street                1210 Flammang Dr
319-373-2380                    563-391-1000                        319-233-8009

Clive Stuff Etc
8700 Hickman Road